Mince Pork omelet
* 2 eggs, chicken or duck eggs.
(Punch bowl and stir together egg yolks and whites).
* Onion, sliced 1/2 goals.
* 250 grams minced pork.
* 1 tomato, cut into balls.
* 1 tablespoon fish sauce.
* Francisco rice 1 tablespoon soy sauce.
* Oil 1/2 cup.
* Sauce (chili sauce, tomato sauce or a pepper sauce).
* Coriander (for garnishing food).
How to do step by step.
1. In a medium bowl, add eggs and beat until combined, onion, minced pork, tomatoes, soy sauce and white people in all the ingredients well.
2. Heat oil in a pan and put it on medium heat. Wait until the oil is hot. Add the egg mixture in step one into the pan. Fry onions until golden and cooked through (about 2 minutes per side).
3. Plate garnish with Coriander. And other fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.) Serve immediately with steamed rice and sauce (for dipping sauce, depending on preference).
(For 2).
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