credit picture karnoi
Fried squid with chilli mix (for 2).
350 grams of squid (cut into pieces).
50 g onion (cut into half-inch long).
2 red or yellow pepper seed (cut lengthwise).
Onion, sliced 1/2 balls.
1.5 teaspoon of chili paste.
In white soy sauce 1 tsp.
Sugar 1/2 tsp.
Vegetable oil for cooking.
Coriander (for garnishing food).
You how to do squid Stir-fried chili paste.
1. Add the oil down in a saucepan and bring to a set a hot fire moderate. Add squid and onion and stir together until almost cooked. (Be careful not to stir until the octopus is cooked too. Squid would taste best when it's cooked. If cooked meat is too hard, not good).
2. Add chili paste, soy sauce in white, red onion, pepper and sugar and cook for another 2 minutes until all ingredients are well off.
3. Plate garnish with coriander. Serve immediately with steamed rice.
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