Cancer drug “wrongly abandoned

Women with breast cancer may be giving up on an effective drug because they mistakenly believe that it is causing them horrible side effects. A hormonal therapy, tamoxifen is prescribed to many women who have had breast cancer, and to those with a genetic predisposition to it. The drug is believed to cut the risk of the disease recurring by more than 30%, if taken for long enough. However, research by Cancer Research UK suggests that one in three patients do not continue taking it for the recommended five years, most likely because of its association with nausea and vomiting, hot flushes, sweats and low libido. But in the new study, researchers found that the nausea and vomiting also occurred in many patients who took a placebo drug – suggesting these symptoms
may have a separate, as yet unknown, cause. “Our findings have implications for how doctors talk to patients about the benefits and side effects of preventive therapies such as tamoxifen,” said Dr
Samuel Smith of Cancer Research UK.

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